12 September 2012

The NCC has its genesis in the "University Corps", which was created under the Indian Defence Act, 1917 with the objective to train students for the Army. In 1920, when the Indian Territorial Act was passed, the "University Corps" was replaced by the "University Training Corps" . In 1942, the UTC was renamed as the "University Officers Training Corps" (UOTC). In September 1946, a Committee was set up under HN Kunzru for establishment of a nation-wide youth organisation covering both Schools and Colleges. Consequently, the "National Cadet Corps" (NCC) came into existence on 15 July 1948 under National Cadet Corps Act (No. XXXI of 1948) enacted by the Parliament. The Girls Division was introduced in 1949. To start with, only Army NCC units were there. Air Force and Naval NCC Units followed soon in 1950 and 1952 respectively. This voluntary youth organisation, which started with 20,000 cadets is today probably the largest uniformed youth organisation in the world with 13 lakh cadets (boys and girls). The NCC Headquarters is located in New Delhi. Control and co-ordination are exercised through 17 State Directorates. NCC Officer's Training Academies are located at Kamptee for Male Officers and Gwalior for Women Officers.
Aim of NCC
1. To Develop character, Comradeship, Discipline, Leadership, Secular Outlook, Spirit of Adventure, and Ideals of Selfless Service amongst the Youth of the Country.

2. To create a Human Resource of Organized, Trained and Motivated Youth, To Provide Leadership in all walks of life and be always available for the Service of the Nation.

3. To provide a suitable Environment to Motivate the Youth to take up a Career in the Armed Forces.

Motto of NCC

Unity and Discipline (Ekta aur Anushasan)

Cardinals of NCC Discipline

1. Obey with a smile

2. Be Punctual

3. Work hard and without fuss

4. Make no excuses and tell no lies

Ethics of NCC Cadets

a. Be truthful, upright and obedient

b. Be humane, cultured and compassionate

c. Be respectful to your instructors, parents and fellow cadets

d. Be punctual and well disciplined at all times

e. Be open and transparent in personal conduct

f. Be mentally and physically robust

g. Always protect the weak

h. Be loyal and faithful to the organisation you serve

i. Spread the message of national integration

j. Espouse social causes

Enrolment of Cadets

The NCC is open to all regular students of Schools and Colleges on a voluntary basis. Boys / Girls studying in VIII and IX  standards are admitted in Junior Division / Junior Wing. A cadet must have attained the age of 13 years on the day of enrolment. Boys / Girls studying I / II / III year degree course are enrolled in Senior Division / Senior Wing.

Training Activities

(A) Institutional Training (48%)

Military training, Parades, Camps and Certificate Examinations A / B / C

(B) Community Development / Social Service (19%)

Blood Donation, Tree Plantation, Eye Donation, Adult Education, Road Cleaning, Traffic Control, Anti-dowry Pledge, Anti-leprosy Drive, AIDS Awareness Campaign, Cancer Awareness Programme, Fire Fighting, Visit to Cheshire Homes, etc. 

(C) Adventure Training and Sports (21%)

Para Sailing / Jumping, Micro light Flying, Hang Gliding, Slithering, Wind Surfing, Scuba Diving, Ocean Sailing, Canoeing, Kayaking, Water Skating, Yachting, Cycle/Motor Cycle Expedition, Trekking, Mountaineering, Rock climbing, Riding, etc.

(D) Youth Exchange Programme (8%)

Visit to Russia, Nepal / Bhutan, Singapore, United Kingdom, Bangladesh, Yangon, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Foreign Navel Cruise, Foreign Coast Guard Cruise, etc.

(E) Career Counselling (4%)

Main Events

(A) Republic Day Parade at Delhi - 26 January

(B) Prime Minister's Rally at Delhi - 27 January

(C) NCC Day - Fourth Sunday of November Every Year

National Cadet Corps Offers


An outstanding symbol of National Integration.

An excellent nurturing ground for future leaders of the country.

A great reservoir of disciplined and motivated youth to contribute to the course of nation building, people's care and better environment through service in all walks of life.


Opportunity for personality development.

Incentives to achieve academic excellence.

Opportunity to participate in adventure activity.

Monetary and medical assistance to cover mishaps during adventure activities.

Opportunity to travel abroad.

No military service liability.


Status of service officer without military service liability.

Opportunity to lead cadets into performing social service, adopt finer values in life and become better citizens of the country.

Opportunity to take part in adventure activity.

Opportunity to travel abroad.

Lt S.N.Saravanamoorthy is the Company Commander. Our College NCC Company Number is 2B/28 which belongs to 28 Tamil Nadu Battalion, Virudhunagar. Our Company cadet strength is 60.



Maj. S. Sathiyamoorthy

1973 to 1993

Cap. B. Ravikumar

1994 to 2010

Lt. S.N. Saravanamoorthy

From 2011 

Postal Address:

The Company Commander,
2B/28 Company NCC,
Devanga Arts College,
801, Thiruchuli Road,
Virudhunagar (Dt).

Pin : 626 101

Telephone No:

Regular Office : 04566 - 240142
SF Office : 04566 - 240034

Email id :
